The UnituneSource is a convenient wrapper around the main library used by the plugin: Libopenmpt.
By using this component, you avoid having to deal with unmanaged resources, the Libopenmpt API and the audio clip conversion process. All of this will be automatically done for you.
As mentioned, the main feature of Unitune is generating an AudioClip from a module file at runtime, enabling their usage on WebGL. Consequently, a UnituneSource requires an AudioSource on the same GameObject and its settings are all related to how the audio clip is generated. Here is a quick rundown of these settings:

- Unitune Asset is referencing the module file that needs to be generated. Without one, no audio clip will be generated.
- Create Audio Clip On Enable defines whether the AudioClip should be generated when the Component is enabled. It is always assumed true if the AudioSource is set to play on Awake.
- Use Streaming defines whether the AudioClip should be streamed or loaded up front into memory. This setting is not available on WebGL.
- SubSong allows you to select a specific subsong to be played. The "Every subsong" option just combines all of them into one AudioClip. This setting is disabled if the UnituneAsset's module has only one 1 subsong.
- Use Output Sample Rate allows to force the sample rate to be equal to the current audio output device sample rate (usually 48000hz). Enabling this will disable the "Sample Rate" setting.
- Sample Rate allows to finely control the generated AudioClip sample rate.
- Use Output Channels allows to force the channel count to be equal to the current audio output device channel count (usually stereo). Enabling this will disable the "Channels" setting.
- Channels allows to set the output channel count.
- Use Normalized Time defines whether to use normalized values (ranging from 0 to 1) for the From and Duration settings.
- From sets the starting position of the selected subsong in seconds or normalized time.
- Duration sets the duration of selected subsong in seconds or normalized time.
- Stereo Separation controls how the audio will be spread between the output channels. The value ranges from 0 (0% - No separation, like in Mono) to 2 (200% - Doubling the module's channel separation). The default and recommended value is 1 (100%).
And finally, if a module asset is set, a preview section allows you to test and hear your settings.
If the UnituneAsset setting is set, the AudioSource is enabled and set to play on awake then you can play the build. Your module file should be rendered into an AudioClip and played by the AudioSource component.
All These settings are public fields that can be modified from other scripts. It's important to note that changes done to these settings will not affect the previously generated AudioClip. In this case, the AudioClip needs to be manually generated and played which can be done like so:
using SV.Unitune;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayOnDemand : MonoBehaviour
private UnituneSource unituneSource;
private UnituneAsset[] unituneAssets;
private void Start()
// Pick a random UnituneAsset to play.
var assetIndex = Random.Range(0, unituneAssets.Length);
unituneSource.unituneAsset = unituneAssets[assetIndex];
// Randomize the starting time of the music
// and make sure the duration corresponds to the remaining time.
unituneSource.useNormalizedTime = true;
unituneSource.from = Random.Range(0f, 0.5f);
unituneSource.duration = 1f - unituneSource.from;
And that's pretty much it! Unitune thrives to be a simple-to-use but powerful plugin. That being said, if you are interested in more complex use cases involving interacting with Libopenmpt more directly, head over to the Use the low-level API section.